Haywood Nelson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Haywood Nelson

Haywood Nelson is a name that holds a special place in the hearts of many, especially those who grew up in the 70s and 80s. As a child star, he captured the attention of audiences with his charming smile and natural acting abilities. Today, he is best known for his role as Dwayne Nelson in the hit TV series What’s Happening!!.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at his net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki as we enter the year 2024. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of Haywood Nelson.

Who is Haywood nelson?

Haywood Nelson is someone who used to be on TV a lot when your parents were maybe your age! He was really good at acting, which is when you pretend to be someone else for a show. Haywood was famous for being Dwayne, a fun character on a show called “What’s Happening!!”. Imagine playing make-believe and everyone watching thinks you’re really good at it – that’s what Haywood did!

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He started acting when he was very young, almost like in kindergarten. Besides acting, Haywood liked to talk on shows and be part of making TV programs even after he wasn’t acting as much. He has a big smile that made lots of people happy.


Date of Birth:1960, March 25
Years:64 years old
Nation of birth:United States of America
Namehaywood nelson
birth nameHaywood Knowles Nelson, Jr.
Place of birth / cityNew York, New York, USA
Net worth$500 thousand
Married toKhnadya Skye, PhD.
DivorceSheryl Piland (1981-1984) and Diana Ramos (1987-1998)

Real Name and Ethnicity of Haywood Nelson

Haywood Nelson is the name we all know him by, Sometimes actors have stage names that are different, but Haywood’s is just his own. As for where he comes from, Haywood is African-American. This means his family roots go back to Africa, but he was born here in America.

People come from all over the world, so everyone has their own special story about where their family started. Haywood’s story is just one of many, showing how people from different places make our world interesting and colorful. His ethncity is Afro-American.

Early Life and Education

Haywood Nelson was born in a big, busy city called New York City. Imagine living in a place where there are so many people, cars, and tall buildings! When he was just a little kid, not much older than you, Haywood started showing everyone how great he could pretend to be other people—this is called acting.

He probably went to school just like you, where he learned to read, write, and maybe even acted in some school plays. Think about how cool it would be to be on TV while still learning your ABCs and 123s! That was Haywood’s life, balancing homework and being on TV shows.

Parents and Siblings

Haywood Nelson grew up with a family just like you might have! He has parents who cared for him and maybe even helped him remember his lines for his TV shows. Just like how your family might help you with homework. We don’t know if Haywood has brothers or sisters, kind of like a mystery we can imagine.

Maybe he played games with them or shared his toys. It’s fun to think about Haywood being a kid, running around and laughing with his family, just like you do. Everyone’s family is special in their own way, and Haywood’s helped him become the star we know!

Girlfriend/ Wife

Haywood Nelson, like lots of grown-ups, has someone special in his life. When two people really like each other, sometimes they decide to get married. Haywood found his special someone and they got married. His wife’s name is someone very important to him, kind of like how your mom or dad might have a special someone.

Just like in fairy tales where princes and princesses are happy together, Haywood and his wife share lots of smiles and happy days. We don’t hear about her as much because she likes to stay out of the bright camera lights, keeping their moments together just for them.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Haywood Nelson

As we hop into 2024, Haywood Nelson will be turning 64 years old! When it comes to how tall he is, imagine about as tall as your dad or a bit taller – that’s Haywood! He stands at a height where he can easily reach the top shelf without needing a stool. His weight is just right for his height, making him look just like the heroes you see in stories, strong and ready for adventure. His weight is 75 kg.

Haywood Nelson

Even though we don’t know exactly how much he weighs or his exact figure, think of him like a superhero – not too big, not too small, but just right to save the day or make you laugh with his acting skills! Haywood Nelson is approximately 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm) tall.

Before Fame

Before Haywood Nelson became famous for being on TV, he was just like any other kid. Imagine playing pretend, but instead of just in your backyard, Haywood got to do it on big stages! He was really young, almost like being in first or second grade, when he started showing everyone how good he was at acting. Even before he was on “What’s Happening!!”, he acted in commercials.

which are those short shows that come on during your favorite cartoon that tell you about toys and cereals. He also got to be in a big show on Broadway, which is like the super-duper championship of acting! So, Haywood was pretty busy being awesome even before a lot of people knew his name.


Haywood Nelson’s job in TV shows is what made him famous! He pretended to be Dwayne on a show called “What’s Happening!!” – it was like playing a fun game of make-believe, but lots of people watched it on their TVs. After that show, he was in another one, like a part 2, called “What’s Happening Now!!”

Haywood didn’t stop there; he even went on other TV shows, talked to people on talk shows, and helped make shows happen behind the camera. Imagine playing your favorite character in dress-up, then getting to help tell the story too; that’s what Haywood did in his career.

Net Worth of Haywood Nelson

Haywood Nelson, who played pretend on TV as Dwayne in “What’s Happening!!”, has saved up a treasure chest from his acting days. Think of it like a big piggy bank that’s been filled up over the years! His piggy bank is really big because it’s worth $ 5 thousand

That’s like if you saved up all your birthday money, every penny you found on the sidewalk, and all the tooth fairy’s gifts for a super-duper long time! Haywood’s big piggy bank helps him buy things he needs or wants and lets him keep making fun TV stuff even when we don’t see him on the screen.

Famous Reason

Haywood Nelson became super famous because he played a character named Dwayne on a TV show called “What’s Happening!!” It was a really fun show that lots of people loved to watch. Imagine if everyone at school knew who you were because you were in a cool play – that’s how Haywood felt! He was on the TV in people’s homes, making them laugh and smile with his acting.

People liked him so much that they made another show called “What’s Happening Now!!” where he got to be Dwayne again. That’s why lots of people know his name, just like they know superheroes from movies!

Nationality and Religion of Haywood Nelson

Haywood Nelson was born in a place called New York City, which is in a big country named America. That means his nationality is American, just like if someone is born in France, they’re French. Nationality is like being part of a big team where you live. Now, talking about religion, it’s like what you believe in.

kind of like believing in superheroes but more about how you see the world and what you think is really important. We don’t know what Haywood believes in, just like we might not know someone’s favorite ice cream flavor without asking them. Everyone has their own beliefs, and that’s okay!

Legacy and Impact

Haywood Nelson is like a star in the sky that keeps shining, even when we can’t see him. Just like when you draw a picture and it makes everyone happy, Haywood did that with his TV shows. He showed that being kind and funny can make a big difference in the world. People still smile today when they think about Dwayne from “What’s Happening!!”

Because Haywood made that character so special. It’s like leaving a mark on a tree that grows bigger and bigger; Haywood’s mark grows every time someone laughs or feels happy seeing his shows.

Future Plains

Haywood Nelson, who’s been in front of the camera and also worked behind it, has some exciting plans for the future! Just like when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up, Haywood thinks about new adventures he can embark on. He might create new TV shows that could be your next favorite or maybe teach others how to act.

Sharing all the secrets he’s learned from being on TV. Imagine if you could learn from someone who was like a superhero on television! Haywood’s future is like a big, bright storybook, waiting for new stories to be written.


  • Playing Games: Just like you, Haywood loves to play games. Whether it’s board games on a rainy day or video games that take him on adventures, he enjoys the fun and challenge.
  • Reading Books:Haywood finds magic in books, diving into stories where he can meet dragons, heroes, and travel to faraway lands without ever leaving his chair.
  • Making Music: Imagine being able to create your own songs! Haywood loves making music, tapping on piano keys or strumming a guitar, filling his home with lovely tunes. –
  • Cooking: Haywood enjoys mixing, stirring, and cooking up yummy dishes in the kitchen, just like a wizard making potions, but these potions are delicious!
  • Drawing: With pencils and colors in hand, Haywood loves to draw, bringing his imagination to life on paper. It’s like he’s telling a story, but with pictures instead of words.

Interesting Facts About Haywood Nelson

  • Haywood was on TV when he was just a little kid – imagine being famous when you’re in elementary school!
  • He played a character named Dwayne who was super fun and made everyone laugh.
  • Haywood didn’t just act; he also helped make TV shows, kind of like being the boss of a fun project.
  • He’s been on Broadway, which is a huge deal because it’s like the Olympics for actors.
  • Haywood has a big, friendly smile that he’s known for – it’s like his superhero symbol!
  • Even though he’s not on TV as much, he still does cool stuff behind the scenes.
  • Haywood loves making people smile, not just with his acting but also by being a great person off screen too.


Did Haywood Nelson ever go to school?

Yes, just like you, Haywood went to school where he learned lots of things, even while being on TV!

How tall is Haywood Nelson?

He’s about as tall as your dad or a bit taller, which is pretty cool!

Does Haywood have any brothers or sisters?

It’s a bit of a mystery; we don’t know if he has siblings, just like a secret adventure story.

Who is Haywood married to?

Haywood has a wife, but she likes to stay out of the spotlight, keeping their life a little private, like a hidden treasure.

What does Haywood like to do for fun?

He loves playing games, reading books, making music, cooking yummy food, and drawing, almost like a magician creating magic!


Haywood Nelson has had a super fun journey from being a little kid actor to making TV shows behind the camera. He’s like a superhero of the TV world, playing Dwayne and making us all giggle. Haywood teaches us that being kind, laughing, and dreaming big are super important. He’s planning even more adventures, maybe making new shows or teaching acting magic.

Plus, he loves playing games, reading, making music, cooking, and drawing, just like many of us. Haywood Nelson’s story is like a big, exciting book with lots of happy chapters. Can’t wait to see what fun adventures he’ll share with us next!


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