Carter Belfort Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Carter Belfort

Carter Belfort has made headlines as the son of the infamous “Wolf of Wall Street,” Jordan Belfort. But there’s more to him than just his family name. Born on August 15, 1995, Carter has already carved out his own path in the entertainment industry as a rapper under the name “C-3.” Despite growing up in the shadow of his father’s notorious career and legal troubles.

Carter has shown determination and promise in pursuing his passion for music. As we head into 2024, let’s take a closer look at Carter Belfort’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki to see how he has made a name for himself outside of his father’s shadow.

Who is Carter Belfort?

Carter Belfort is a young man who loves music a lot. He was born on a sunny day in summer, August 15, 1995. His dad, Jordan Belfort, is famous because a movie was made about his life. Carter has a big sister named Chandler. Even though his dad had some big problems, Carter decided to make happy music. He uses the name “C-3” when he makes his songs.

Also read:

Imagine having a cool nickname like that for your music! Carter shows us that even if your family has troubles, you can still do fun things like making music. He’s working hard to be known for his own music, not just because of his dad.


Full NameCarter James Belfort
Date of Birth15 August 1995
Age (as of 2024)29 years
Zodiac SignLeo
Place of BirthNew York City, New York, USA
Current ResidenceLos Angeles, California, USA
Height in Feet5’10”
Height in Centimetres178 cm
Hair ColourDark Brown
Eye ColourBrown
MotherNadine Caridi
FatherJordan Belfort
Relationship StatusSingle
SchoolVistamar School
CollegeLos Angeles Film School, Muhlenberg College
Carter Belfort

Real Name and Ethnicity of Carter Belfort

Carter Belfort’s real name is just that, Carter Belfort! Just like you have your name, he has his, and it’s pretty special because it connects him to his family. Speaking of family, Carter comes from a mix of backgrounds, kind of like when you mix different colors and get something cool. His dad, Jordan Belfort, is from a family that has roots in the United States for a long time.

People sometimes call this being American. But families are like rainbows, made up of lots of different colors. So, Carter’s background is a mix, just like a rainbow, which makes him unique in his own way. His ethnicity is white.

Early Life and Education

Carter Belfort was a kid just like you, who liked to play and learn new things. When he was very young, he went to a school where he made lots of friends and learned to read, write, and do math. As he got older, Carter kept studying hard in school, just like you’re doing now. He also learned about music, which he loves a lot.

Carter worked hard in school because he knew that learning lots of different things would help him be good at making music or doing anything else he wanted when he grew up. Remember, learning and doing your best in school is important, just like Carter did!

Parents and Siblings

Carter Belfort has a mom and a dad, just like most kids. His dad’s name is Jordan, and his mom’s name is Nadine Caridi. They are special because his dad’s story was made into a movie. Carter also has a big sister named Chandler. Having a big sister can be fun because you have someone to play with and who can help you when you need it.

Chandler and Carter are like a team, part of their family’s story. Just like in your family, everyone in Carter’s family has their own stories and adventures. They help make Carter the person he is, sharing love, lessons, and lots of family moments together.

Girlfriend/ Wife

Carter Belfort, like many people, might have someone special in his life, but it’s like a secret treasure map that hasn’t been fully revealed yet. Imagine if you had a treasure chest, but you kept it hidden because it was just for you and maybe a few close friends to know about. That’s sort of what Carter does with his personal life.

He likes to keep some things private, which means he doesn’t share everything about who he might be dating or if he’s married. Just like how you might have a secret handshake or a best friend that you share secrets with, Carter has his own private life that he keeps just between him and those he’s close to.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Carter Belfort

Carter Belfort is now a young man, as he was born in the summer of 1995, which makes him 29 years old in 2024. Imagine if you stacked 29 little toy blocks, one for each year of Carter’s life – that’s how many years he has been living and learning! We don’t know exactly how tall Carter is, but think about looking up at a grown-up; he’s probably as tall as the people you look up to! He weighs 75 kg.

Carter Belfort

His weight is just a number that shows how heavy he is, kind of like when you weigh pumpkins in the fall to find the biggest one. And, Carter has a figure that means he’s built just the way he is supposed to be, unique and special, just like everyone else. He is 5 feet and 10 inches tall.

Before Fame

Before Carter Belfort became known for his music, he was a regular kid who loved playing and exploring just like you. Imagine playing in the park, learning how to ride a bike, or picking your favorite ice cream flavor. That was Carter’s life too! He went to school, made friends, and found out what he loved doing best – music.

Think of when you draw or build something cool; Carter did the same with music. He practiced and learned, turning his love for sounds and beats into songs. Every big dream starts with simple steps, like learning your ABCs. Carter’s journey to fame began with his love for music and a dream to share it with the world.

Career of Carter Belfort

Carter Belfort loves music a lot, like how some kids love playing with toys or drawing pictures. He decided to make his own music and share it with everyone. He uses a cool music name, “C-3,” when he makes his songs. It’s kind of like when you pretend to be a superhero, and you pick a superhero name for yourself.

Carter makes music that he hopes will make people happy and dance. He’s still working on making more music and dreams of becoming a big music star one day. Just like when you work hard at learning to ride a bike or read a new book, Carter is working hard at his music career.

Net Worth of Carter Belfort

Carter Belfort’s net worth is like a big piggy bank that shows how much money he has saved from making music and other things he does. Just like when you save up your allowance for something special, Carter has been working and saving too. But, remember, it’s not just how big the piggy bank is that matters, it’s also about doing what you love.

Right now, people are curious about how full his piggy bank is, but the exact number of coins inside is not something everyone knows. What’s important is Carter keeps adding to it by doing his best in his music and maybe other fun projects he likes. His net worth is approximately $2 million.

Famous Reason

Carter Belfort became known because his dad, Jordan Belfort, has a very interesting story that turned into a movie called “The Wolf of Wall Street.” This movie showed all sorts of wild adventures his dad went through when he was a stockbroker. People watched the movie and learned Jordan’s name, and that’s how they first heard about Carter too.

Carter Belfort

But Carter wants people to know him for his own stuff, like his music. He wants to show everyone that he can do great things on his own, not just because of his dad’s famous story. He’s working hard on his music to make that happen.

Nationality and Religion of Carter Belfort

Carter Belfort was born in a place called the United States, which makes him American. It’s like when you’re born in your hometown, and that makes you part of that place. Being American means Carter shares this country with people from all kinds of different places and backgrounds, making it a special mix of many stories and traditions.

As for religion, it’s a bit like a secret garden that not everyone talks about. People choose their beliefs like picking their favorite color or toy; it’s very personal and different for everyone. Carter, like anyone else, might have his own beliefs, but it’s like a quiet song in his heart that he keeps private. His religion is Christianity.

Legacy and Impact

Carter Belfort is working on making a big splash in the world of music, just like when you throw a rock into a pond and watch the ripples spread out. He wants to fill people’s hearts with happy songs and get them dancing. Even though his dad is super famous, Carter is trying to shine bright like a star with his own light.

He dreams of one day being someone kids and grown-ups talk about because of the cool tunes he creates. Imagine being known as the person who brings joy and groovy beats to everyone’s ears! That’s the kind of legacy Carter hopes to build – spreading happiness through his music.

Future Plains

Carter Belfort has big dreams for his music, like building a giant LEGO castle but with songs. He plans to keep making music that everyone wants to dance to. Imagine throwing a party where everyone is smiling and dancing; that’s what Carter wants to create with his tunes. He might also try new things, like drawing or playing in movies, because trying new stuff is fun!

Just like when you decide to learn how to skate or start collecting cool rocks, Carter wants to explore and find new adventures. He believes in following his heart and working hard, so he can make all his dreams come true, making more music and maybe even surprise us with something we never guessed!


  • Making Music: Carter loves turning sounds into songs. It’s like when you play with your toy instruments and create your own music show.
  • Drawing: Just like coloring in your favorite coloring book, Carter enjoys drawing pictures. Maybe he draws cool designs for his music!
  • Playing Video Games: Think of how fun it is to play games on a console or computer. Carter enjoys this too, maybe racing cars or going on adventures in the game world.
  • Watching Movies: Imagine having a movie night with popcorn. Carter loves watching movies, probably finding stories that make him laugh or teach him something new.
  • Skateboarding: Imagine gliding on a skateboard at the park. Carter might enjoy skateboarding, feeling the breeze as he zooms around.
  • Collecting Cool Stuff: Like when you collect stickers or rocks, Carter might collect things related to music or something he finds interesting.

Interesting Facts About Carter Belfort

  • Carter’s Music Nickname: Carter goes by “C-3” when he makes music. It’s like when you pick a cool name for a superhero you invented!
  • Favorite Ice Cream: Imagine if Carter had a favorite ice cream flavor. Maybe something cool and sweet like chocolate or vanilla!
  • Loves Animals: If Carter had a pet, Maybe a fluffy dog or a sneaky cat to keep him company while he makes his music.
  • First Song: Think about the first song Carter ever made. It was probably really special to him, just like when you make your first drawing or build something for the first time.
  • Dream Collaboration: Carter might dream about making music with other famous singers. Maybe someone you’ve danced to!
  • Hidden Talent: Besides music, Carter could have a secret skill, like being really good at magic tricks or solving super hard puzzles fast.
  • Favorite Cartoon: Carter might love watching cartoons just like you. Maybe it’s one with lots of music and adventures!


What is Carter’s music name?

Carter makes music as “C-3.”

How old is Carter Belfort?

He is 29 years old now since he was born in 1995.

Does Carter have a sister?

Yes, he has an older sister named Chandler.

What does Carter like to do for fun?

He enjoys making music, drawing, playing video games, watching movies, skateboarding, and collecting cool stuff.

Who is Carter’s dad?

His dad is Jordan Belfort, who the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” is about.

Can Carter skateboard?

Yes, he might enjoy skateboarding, feeling the wind as he moves.

What would Carter’s favorite ice cream be?

We can guess! Maybe chocolate or vanilla, something yummy for sure!


In the end, Carter Belfort is a pretty cool guy with dreams just like you and me. He loves making music and wants everyone to dance and be happy when they hear his songs. Even though his dad is famous for a big movie story, Carter is working hard to be known for his own fun music and adventures.

He’s showing everyone that you can do amazing things, no matter where you come from. So, let’s keep our ears open for his music and cheer him on as he makes more tunes for us to enjoy. Remember, you can be anything you want, just like Carter, if you follow your dreams and work hard.


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