Rachel Jade Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Rachel Jade

Rachel Jade is someone that lots of people like to watch and follow on the internet. Rachel Jade has stormed social media. She did it with her captivating content and stunning looks. The 28-year-old model and content creator has a huge following.

They’re on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, OnlyFans, and YouTube. She gained it with her charming personality and beautiful posts. Her birthday is November 26, 1996. Rachel Jade’s fans are eager to know more about their favorite internet star.

Who is Rachel Jade?

Rachel Jade is a popular model and social media personality. Rachel Jade shares pictures and videos. They show her adventures and the pretty clothes she wears. Rachel was born on November 26, 1996, which makes her 28 years old. She loves to post on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and OnlyFans, where she has many friends and fans.

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People know Rachel for being very pretty. She shares fun stories about the places she goes and the new things she tries. She is like a star on the internet, making videos that make people happy. Rachel Jade is famous. She’s also great at making content people enjoy watching and following.


Full nameRachel Jade  
ProfessionOnlyFans model, content creator
NationalityUnited States
Birthday26 November, 1996
Age as of 202428
Height of5 feet 7 inches
Weight of64 kg
Rachel Jade

Real Name and Ethnicity of Rachel Jade

Rachel Jade is the name everyone knows her by on the internet. Rachel might have a special name from when she was a baby, different from Rachel Jade. We often have a name our parents and friends call us. Then, have a name we choose for ourselves when we’re playing games or on the internet. Just like Rachel did! Her full name is Rachel Jade Taylor.

People come from many places. Their families’ journeys tell us interesting stories about who they are. Rachel Jade’s family story might include tales from different parts of the world. Her ethnicity is White.

Early Life and Education of Rachel Jade

Rachel Jade grew up in a place full of love and laughter. When she was a little girl, just like you, she loved to play, explore, and learn new things every day. Rachel went to school just like you do. She sat in a classroom, made lots of friends, and learned her ABCs and 123s. School was where Rachel found out she liked to tell stories. She liked to show people the beautiful world through her eyes.

Rachel loved drawing, playing make-believe, and sharing her adventures with her classmates. Even back then, Rachel knew she wanted to share her creativity with everyone around her. School helped her learn how to read, write, and most important, dream big about the future. Rachel experienced fun, learning, and lots of dreaming in her early life!

Parents and Siblings

Rachel Jade has a family, just like you and me. She has a mommy and a daddy who love her very much. They were there to see her very first smile, hear her first giggle, and watch her take her first steps. Rachel’s family is very special to her because they always stick together, just like a team. She might have brothers or sisters, too. If she does, they play games together and share secrets.

They also argue over silly things, just like brothers and sisters. But at the end of the day, they hug and make up because families are like that – always loving each other no matter what. Rachel’s parents and siblings are an important part of her life, cheering her on in everything she does.

Boyfriend/ Husband

Rachel Jade, like many people, might have someone special in her life. This person could be a boyfriend, which means a boy who is a very good friend and someone she likes a lot. Or she might have a husband, which means she is married. Being married is when two people have a big celebration and decide to share their lives together.

Rachel Jade might want to keep this part of her life private, which means only for her to know. So, we don’t know if she has a boyfriend or a husband, but what’s important is that she is happy.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Rachel Jade

Rachel Jade is 28 years as of 2024. Rachel Jade is like a beautiful princess from a fairy tale with her tall and strong body. She stands tall at about 5 feet 7 inches. She weighs about 64 kilograms, which is as much as 64 bags of sugar but don’t worry, she’s all muscles and smiles. Rachel Jade looks wonderful in all her outfits because she knows exactly what suits her best. Just like some clothes make you comfy and happy.

Rachel finds the perfect ones that hug her body just right. Many admire her figure. She takes good care of herself. She eats healthy foods and plays fun games. These things keep her fit. She’s a real-life example. Eating veggies and staying active can make you look and feel fantastic!

Rachel Jade Before Fame

Before everyone on the internet knew her, Rachel Jade was a normal girl with big dreams. Imagine a little girl with a bright smile. She always carried a toy camera and pretends to be a star in her own fun stories. That girl was Rachel! She loved to play dress-up, turning her room into a magical place where she could be anyone she wanted. Rachel would spend hours drawing pictures. She also sang songs and made her family laugh with her funny shows.

Rachel’s love for creating and sharing stories grew, like a seed into a flower. Even before she became famous, Rachel was practicing. She was becoming the great content creator we all love today. She was learning how to make people smile and feel happy, just by being herself and sharing her world.

Rachel Jade


Rachel Jade’s job is really cool! She makes videos and takes pretty pictures to share on the internet. Think of it like when you draw a picture or make a craft and show it to your friends and family. But, Rachel does this for lots of people online. She posts her fun adventures and pretty outfits on Instagram. She also posts on TikTok, OnlyFans, and YouTube. Imagine playing dress-up and then sharing it with the whole world. That’s what Rachel does.

She gets to try on different clothes. Rachel visits exciting places. Then, she tells everyone about it through her videos and photos. People love watching what she does next and seeing all the fun things she shares. That’s her job. It’s like she’s on a never-ending adventure. She makes friends worldwide with her stories and smiles.

Net Worth of Rachel Jade

Rachel Jade has a very big piggy bank because she works hard making videos and sharing pictures. People think her piggy bank, or her “net worth,” is filled with a lot of money, like a treasure chest! Her net worth is approximately $2 million.

We don’t know the exact amount of coins and bills in her treasure chest. But, it’s safe to say that many enjoy her adventures and outfits. It’s a lot of people. Rachel has saved from her job to have her very own treasure.

Famous Reason

Rachel Jade became famous. She shares lots of cool videos and pictures on the internet. Imagine when you draw a pretty picture and show it to everyone, and they all say “Wow!” That’s kind of what happened with Rachel. She started showing the world her adventures. She tried on fun clothes and told stories about the places she visits.

People everywhere loved watching her and wanted to see more. It’s like she’s the star of her own show, and everyone wants to tune in. Just by being herself and sharing her life, she became a big deal on places like Instagram and YouTube. She’s famous because she’s great at making people smile. She does it with her stories and style.

Nationality And Religion of Rachel Jade

Rachel Jade was born in the United States, which means she is American. Some of us are from places with big mountains or vast oceans. Rachel comes from a land with lots of people from all over the world. America is like a giant melting pot of cultures, and Rachel is part of that mix.

Talking about religion, it’s something very personal. Rachel Jade, like many of us, might have her own beliefs that guide her in being kind and loving. But whether she talks about it or not. What matters is how we learn to respect everyone’s beliefs and learn from them. She is christian.

Legacy and Impact

Rachel Jade is like a bright star in the big sky of the internet. She lights up our screens with her fun adventures and beautiful smiles. Rachel shares her creativity. It’s like how a gardener plants seeds and watches flowers bloom. She watches happiness grow in people’s hearts. She teaches us to be brave in chasing our dreams and to always find joy in the little things.

Rachel Jade

Rachel has made a special place in the world by sharing her stories. It’s like leaving footprints in the sand that won’t wash away. She shows us that being kind, creative, and true to ourselves can make a big difference. Rachel’s work is like a colorful painting that makes the world a happier place to be in.

Future Plans

Rachel Jade has big dreams for the future! She wants to keep making fun videos and sharing beautiful pictures with everyone. Rachel also hopes to travel to new places and try out cool activities she can share with her friends online. She’s always thinking of new stories and adventures.

She makes sure there’s always something exciting to look forward to. Rachel’s future is bright and full of possibilities, just like when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up. Every day is a chance for Rachel to dream up new ideas and make them come true!


  • Rachel Jade loves taking pictures. She takes her camera everywhere to capture beautiful things.
  • She enjoys dressing up in fun and pretty clothes. It’s like playing a dress-up game but for her job!
  • Traveling to new places is exciting for Rachel. She gets to see and learn lots of new things.
  • Rachel likes to draw and paint. She creates colorful pictures of what she sees and imagines.
  • Playing with her pets is one of her favorite things to do. They go on walks and have fun together.
  • She loves to cook and try making new foods. It’s like a tasty adventure in the kitchen! Reading books takes her to magical worlds. They are full of stories and adventures, and she never leaves home.
  • Rachel also enjoys dancing to music. It makes her feel happy and free, moving to the rhythm.

Interesting Facts About Rachel Jade

  • Rachel Jade has a special talent for making people smile with her pictures and stories.
  • She once dressed up as a superhero for fun and shared it online, and lots of people loved it!
  • Rachel has a favorite color – it’s blue, like the sky on a sunny day.
  • She learned to ride a bike when she was just like you, a little kid, and now she loves cycling. On Halloween, Rachel makes her own costumes. She turns into princesses or pirates and shows them to her fans.
  • She has a collection of funny hats and sometimes wears them in her videos for a laugh.
  • Rachel’s first video was about her day at the beach, and now she loves making videos about all her adventures.


What is the favorite color of Rachel Jade?

Rachel’s favorite color is Blue.

What is the age of Rachel?

Rachel Jade’s age is 28 years.

Who is Rachel Jade?

Rachel Jade is someone that lots of people like to watch and follow on the internet. Rachel Jade has stormed social media.

What is the height and weight of Rachel?

Her height is about 5 feet 7 inches and weight is approximately estimated to be 64 kgs.


Rachel Jade has shown us that being true to yourself and sharing your joy can light up the world in beautiful ways. Like a bright star in the night sky, she reminds us to chase our dreams, be kind, and spread happiness wherever we go. With her camera in hand and a heart full of dreams, Rachel’s adventures are a treasure we all get to share.

Her story is like a wonderful book that keeps getting more exciting with every page. Let’s keep watching and cheering for her. She will make more magic and show us the beauty in being ourselves. Remember, everyone has a special light inside them. It’s like Rachel’s, ready to shine and make the world happier.


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